Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Brian receives Arrow of Light!

Brian was awarded his Arrow of Light, the highest award in Cub Scouts, tonight by the Hon. Frank Reyes, Cubmaster, Pack 728. A slideshow of the ceremony is now posted on the blog. After completing all of the Webelos activity pins, he was also awarded the Cub Scout "Super Achiever Award." After the ceremony, we had a small reception for the boys and parents.

He will also cross over to Boy Scouts formally with our friends from Pack 86 in Columbus on Febuary 22.


Aunt Kelly said...

Congratulations Brian! Keep up the good work! Aunt Kelly

The Rowes said...

Great job Brian on the super achiever award and your Arrow of Light.

Troop 33 is awaiting your arrival.

5-spastic-kids said...

Brian, you must have worked incredibly hard to earn these awards. We're proud of you and proud to know you.

Grandma Ro said...

Grandma Ro is proud of you too. Good going Scout.