Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Summer in the City

Okay, it's been a while since we posted :) Like everyone else, summer kind of happened. It's been a good summer in the city weatherwise. Typically New York is very hot and muggy with hot sun radiating off the concrete sending temperatures soaring. This summer has seen only one day at 90 or above (yesterday). There has been higher than normal rainfall. Climate change??

Anyway, in a lot of ways it has been a busy summer. June was filled with visitors from the great state of OH IO! Troop 33 trekked to New York/New Jersey for a few days. We enjoyed long walks sightseeing, ferry rides, and museum visits. We also had our good friends, the Amans, visit. We officially converted a country girl to a city girl :) Again, lots of sightseeing, walks through Central Park, museum visits and even a Broadway show! The bonus was a trip to Chinatown. We're lucky everyone made it out without posing bail! It was great to see so many friends from Ohio! We also saw our friends, the Scanlons, return to Australia. It was great having another family to share things with while they were here! We did not say goodbye, just, see you again!

In July, the boys enjoyed a week at Boy Scout camp while Peggy spent some time with her parents in PA. All three ended up getting sick and it is suspected that they fought H1N1 and won! All had plenty of symptoms. We also made a trip to Columbus and were able to catch up with lots of friends and family.

We ended up with some extra passengers in the van on the way back to New York. John & Nick Martin ventured back with us. We set a new record! 13 hour trip thanks to a stop at a llama farm and Cabela's

While they were here we saw some new things. We visited Grant National Memorial, which is a fascinating place especially if you've ever wondered who's buried in Grant's Tomb. We also visited the Empire State Building for an incredible view of the city!

August has come very quickly! The boys are enjoying a week at camp with Troop 71 from Albany, the troop Tim grew up in.

Our everyday life is pretty much the same as everyone who reads this. We grocery shop, walk the dog, play at the playground with friends, oh, yeah, and work :)

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer! As our time in New York winds down, we are glad we took advantage of the opportunity to spend time living here. There is so much that we have learned and experienced that has helped us continue to grow! We feel lucky to have opportunities like this and the chance to take advantage of them!

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